Arriving in the Bahamas on Thursday 24 March, the 40-year-old royal looked positively radiant in an aquamarine Emilia Wickstead dress despite her recent flight. Travelling clearly doesn’t phase Kate’s wardrobe team, who has styled the Duchess in a series of stunning looks since the royal duo embarked on their travels. Kate Middleton’s Head-Turning Dress To Arrive In The Bahamas Is The Colour Of The Season
Kate teamed her custom-made dress with a beautiful set of earrings in a matching shade of blue. She sported a pair of Gianvito Rossi suede heels and wore her hair pulled back into a high ponytail.
The royal looked so elegant
Since arriving in the Caribbean, the Duchess’ normally muted and sophisticated wardrobe has been replaced with bright colours, vibrant vintage pieces and show-stopping fits – and royal fans have been dazzled with her striking fits.
24Ct Gold Plated Silver/Howlite Gemstones, £155, Fenwick
Gianvito Rossi 105 Seude Pumps, £560 / $725, Net-a-Porter